Friday, February 10, 2012


Haven’t heard of it? What?! You must be living under a rock or a cave if you haven’t. I HAVE been busy, just haven’t been blogging about it. I’ve found some great stuff – crafts, recipes, etc. that I’ve tried out from Pinterest. I’ll be blogging about each of them and my reviews of each project. If you’re not currently on Pinterest, let me know and I can invite you. BUT BE WARNED – It can be VERY addictive.

One of my most recent projects. Making my own Laundry Detergent. I spend many many hours doing loads of laundry. When you have 6 people in your family it adds up quickly, and so does the cost. I do approximately 8-10 loads per week. As much as I love the smell of Tide and Gain, $20 for a large container of detergent just isn’t cutting it anymore. So I made my own which I found here. It’s lasted much longer and I don’t have to use as much. My laundry still smells clean but not perfumey. I do like a tad more scent to my clothes so I use a scented fabric softener and it does the trick! I give this pin a THUMBS UP in my book. It’s saving me money and it works wonderfully!
